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Store Contact Info...

South Shore Shooting Range
130 Freeman Avenue
Islip, NY 11751
Store Hours:

All Handgun and Semi-auto rifle purchases in NYS require a permit or Active LE ID

Tuesday 10am-7pm (last shooter 6pm)
Wednesday 10am-8pm (last shooter 7pm)
Thursday 10am-7pm (last shooter 6pm)
Friday 10am-6pm (last shooter 5pm)
Saturday 10am-6pm (last shooter 5pm)

All Handgun and Semi-auto rifle purchases in NYS require a permit or Active LE ID

ALL sales from this site are required to be compliant with state law. Any orders that are not compliant with state law will be subject to a $20.00 re-stocking fee.
      Contact us   631-581-0040     631-581-0080 fax     Email for fastest service    
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